Plastic waste in the food system : corporations continue to binge on single-use plastic while (...)

27 février 2024
In this edition we see how in India and China, local markets and street food vendors in Asia that operate outside the corporate system are already finding creative ways to reduce their plastic waste and develop solutions that support people's livelihoods and food (...)
 Site référencé:  GRAIN


NAFTA at 30 : The mother of all free trade agreements
Genocide and food weaponisation in Palestine : global resistance as hope
Peoples of Mesoamerica in defence of seeds and maize
Free trade frenzy : the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble
Urgent call to declare Gaza a disaster-stricken area suffering from famine, pollution and spread of diseases
Food hygiene guidelines in traditional markets : A hurdle for local markets and street vendors ?

 Globales | 2019 · 2022