Ethno-racial disparities in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality

29 juin 2021 | Simeng Wang
The COVID-19 pandemic, by the nature of this crisis and its primarily sanitary, medical and biological management, offers an exceptional opportunity for observations on the scientific debates surrounding the notion of “race”, used and conceptualised at times as a biological reality, at others as (...)
 Site référencé:  Cahiers de l’Urmis

Cahiers de l’Urmis 

La génomique et la diversité humaine
Looking Back on Proposals on the Biological Aspects of Race. UNESCO, Moscow, 1964.Interview by Jean-Luc Bonniol
Retour sur les propositions concernant les aspects biologiques de la race. Unesco, Moscou, 1964.Entretien avec Jean-Luc (...)