Knowledge Production by Yorùbá Literary Intellectuals from Nigeria as Decolonial (...)

19 mars 2024 | Samuel Ayọ̀bámi Akínrúlí, Luana Carla Martins Campos Akínrúlí
Addressing critically the question of the relations of African thought with global epistemological matrices, this article puts into perspective the intellectual production of Yorùbá authors from Nigeria since the late nineteenth century, including literary works, with contemporary calls for (...)
 Site référencé:  Cahiers d’études africaines

Cahiers d’études africaines 

Klein Martin. — Esclavage et pouvoir colonial en Afrique occidentale française
Tymowski Michal. — Europeans and Africans : Mutual Discoveries and First Encounters
New Online Histories from Memorial Portrait Photographs of Nigerian Nationalists Posted on Social Media